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Office of Management and Budget

New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503


DIRECTORShalanda D. Young, Acting
Deputy DirectorShalanda D. Young

Deputy Director for ManagementJason S. Miller
General CounselSamuel R. Bagenstos


Legislative Reference
Management and Operations


Electronic Government and Information Technology
Federal Procurement Policy
Information and Regulatory Affairs

Federal Financial Management

The Office of Management and Budget assists the President in discharging budgetary, management, and other responsibilities; develops, coordinates, oversees, and implements Federal Government policies affecting financial management and procurement, rules and regulations, and information and statistics; and promotes better program and administrative management, develops measures for agency-performance, and improves coordination of operations within the executive branch.


On April 3, 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved Public Law 76–19, which also is cited as the Reorganization Act of 1939 (53 Stat. 561). Pursuant to the Act, President Roosevelt prepared an appropriate plan of reorganization.

Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1939 transferred the Bureau of the Budget and its functions and personnel from the Department of the Treasury to the Executive Office of the President. President Roosevelt submitted the plan to the Senate and House of Representatives on April 25.

On July 1, 1939, the National Archives published President Roosevelt's reorganization plan in the Federal Register (4 FR 2727). The Bureau of the Budget was the forerunner of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Pursuant to the provisions of chapter 9 of 5 U.S.C., President Richard M. Nixon prepared Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1970 and submitted it to the Senate and House of Representatives on March 12. The plan redesignated the Bureau of the Budget as the OMB.

On May 23, 1970, the National Archives published the reorganization plan in the Federal Register (35 FR 7959).

Pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1970, President Nixon issued Executive Order 11541 on July 1, 1970. The Executive order prescribed the duties of the newly designated OMB and was published the next day, in the Federal Register (35 FR 10737).


Codified statutory material on money and finance has been assigned to 31 U.S.C. Chapter 5, which comprises sections 501–522, of that title is dedicated to statutory material affecting the OMB.

"Subtitle A—Office of Management and Budget Guidance for Grants and Agreements," which comprises parts 1–299, has been assigned to 2 CFR.

"Chapter III—Office of Management and Budget," which comprises parts 1300–1399, has been assigned to 5 CFR. That CFR title contains codified rules and regulations whose contents deal with the subject of administrative personnel.


The OMB's principle functions are diverse and many. They include assisting the President with the development of more effective Government and its maintenance by reviewing the organizational structure and management procedures of the executive branch; assisting with the development of efficient coordinating mechanisms for the implementation of Government activities and the expansion of interagency cooperation; assisting the President with preparation of the budget and formulation of the Government's fiscal program; supervising and controlling the administration of the budget; assisting the President with clearing and coordinating departmental advice on proposed legislation and with making recommendations to effect Presidential action on legislative enactments; assisting with the development of regulatory reform proposals and programs for paperwork reduction; assisting with the consideration, clearing, and preparation of proposed Executive orders and proclamations; planning and developing information systems that provide the President with program performance data; planning, conducting, and promoting evaluation efforts that help the President assess program efficiency, performance, and objectives; improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement processes by guiding procurement policies, procedures, regulations, and use of forms; and informing the President of the progress of Government agency activities with respect to proposed, initiated, and completed work, together with the relative timing of work between agencies of the Government—to the end that the work programs of executive branch agencies may be coordinated and that the moneys the U.S. Congress appropriates may be expended with economy, barring overlapping and duplication of effort.

Sources of Information

Archived Records

The "Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States" indicates that OMB records have been assigned to record group 051.

Career Opportunities

In 2019, the OMB ranked 6th among 28 small Government agencies in the Partnership for Public Service's Best Places To Work Agency Rankings.

Chief Financial Officers Council

The Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 (PL 101–576) established the Chief Financial Officers Council. The OMB's deputy director for management serves as the chair of the Council. The General Services Administration and the OMB jointly manage its website.


The OMB posts information and instructions that it issues to Federal agencies on its "Circulars" web page.


Postal correspondence should be addressed to the Office of Management and Budget, 725 Seventeenth Street NW., Washington, DC 20503. Information and directory assistance are available. Phone, 202-395-3080.

Congressional inquiries may be made by phone. Phone, 202-395-4790. Congressional correspondence may be sent by facsimile. Fax, 202-395-3729.

Media inquiries may be made by email, facsimile, or phone. Fax, 202-395-3888. Phone, 202-395-7254.


Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE)

The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 (PL 110–409) established the CIGIE as an independent entity within the executive branch. The OMB's deputy director for management serves as the executive chair of the Council.

Federal Register

Significant documents and documents that the OMB recently published in the Federal Register are accessible online.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

To any person, the FOIA gives a statutory right for obtaining access to Government information in the records of executive branch agencies. This right to access has limits, when any of nine exemptions that are contained within the statute shield the requested information from disclosure. Information on how to submit a FOIA request is available online. The OMB's FOIA Requester Service Center also provides assistance. Phone, 202-395-3642.


Many OMB documents are freely available online and do not require a FOIA request for gaining access to them. These documents are called "proactive disclosures" because the OMB proactively posts them online. Documents that are disclosed in the interest of transparency and documents that have been requested frequently under the FOIA are examples of proactive disclosures. Before submitting a FOIA request, an information seeker should browse the holdings of the OMB's electronic FOIA library to see if the desired information has been posted already.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The OMB's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs posts answers to FAQs that deal with regulations, rules, and the process of making rules, on the website

President's Budget

Past budgets of former Presidents are available in Portable Document Format (PDF) for viewing and downloading.


The U.S. Government Bookstore, which the Government Publishing Office maintains on its website, has many publications that deal with Federal deficits, Government budgets, and the Nation's economic outlook. | Email:


The OMB posts sequestration reports on

The above Sources of Information were updated 2–2021.